UCA-FUKUI questions & answers

Developed by UCA
Question by Tarek
July 23, 2021
Answer by Saumya Sharma

To fix the "run-time error '9 - subscript out of range'" in the program "UCA-FUKUI" for Windows, you need to check the code and ensure that the array being accessed has valid indexes. It typically occurs when trying to access an array element that is outside the defined range. Reviewing and adjusting the code logic should help resolve this error.

Question by saman
March 31, 2017

I installed USA-FUKUI on Windows 7 x64 perfectly, but there are some problems, sometimes I deal with an error by this content "Run-time error '62': Input past end of file". How should I remove this error?

Answer by Alex Urbach

This is a problem with the free spaces in your files. You have to open the files that you have and make sure that no free spaces are after paths, or below the content. Also, if you indeed use paths, then check their structure to be correct. To do this, simply copy a path and paste it in the Run box. Windows will tell you if it's broken or not. Append the ""(quotation marks) to be able to open the path.

Also, read the information on the following page as well: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/858727/run-time-error-62---input-past-end-of-file-error-message-when-using-autodim

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